Home Farm Footbridge to Crick Marina Entrance moorings.
New Years Eve morning we got ourselves ready for the off, several boats had already passed us. Full tunnel mode was engaged, Tilly warned, life jackets and waterproof coats donned. Our Christmas lights do a good job of lighting up the tunnel as we pass through, it’s almost not worth turning the interior cabin lights on, except I hope that the light inside helps to keep Tilly calm. Sadly it doesn’t seem to work as she shouted out through the windows and at the back door for much of the passage. She used to be fine, so we are puzzled as to what has changed.
Once through we noted that the mooring outside The Moorings was free, if it stays that way we may arrange for a delivery this week. No familiar boats moored outside ABNB, but they soon showed themselves in the next section of Crick Marina, NB Blackbird tucked away in a corner and NB Rock n Roll just across the way.
There were plenty of boats moored up, we went as far as we could, hoping for some phone and internet signal and found a suitable gap for us. Once tied up, Mick headed to the Post Office for some bread and Tilly and I had a good look round. I know we’ve been here lots before, so why did we need a look round? Well we had to find Roger. Roger lives on a boat and the other night he didn’t come home, so she had promised that we’d have a look once we were through the tunnel. I’d been shouting in the tunnel to see if he was in there, but there was no response. She walked along the towpath a bit too quickly to be looking properly, I was taking my time, checking every tree. She had to be slowed down, she’d miss vital clues if she walked that fast!
I decided that Tilly shouting at me to slow down wouldn’t be so good for Rogers’ Mum and Dad to hear, they might think it was him. So we headed back to Oleanna, we’ll keep our eyes peeled for him whilst we’re in the area.
We were just settling down for lunch and a quiet afternoon in before we headed out to meet up with our friends Lizzie, Andy and Irene from NB Kamili for a meal at The Red Lion to bring the new year in, when I noticed a fuzzy patch in my vision, a sure sign that I was about to get a migraine. The pink pills came out of the cupboard with the hope that they would work a miracle before a migraine took hold. Sadly this has never worked and wasn’t going to today. An afternoon asleep was the next thing to try, but the migraine had taken hold and we ended up having to cancel our evening out.
So no three course meal at The Red Lion and drinks with friends, just a bit of left over roast chicken with pasta and a glass of water whilst doing my best not to move. There were a few hoots of boat horns and one or two rockets let off around the marina, mostly it was a quiet evening.
We stayed up to watch the fireworks from London. I suspect they are absolutely spectacular if you are stood by the Thames, but each year looks much the same to us now on our TV screen. What will they be like next year post Brexit? Will London be able to afford such a display? Will they be digging out a selection box from the 70’s. Two traffic lights and a Roman candle on a barge in the middle of the Thames and a Catherine Wheel nailed onto the centre of the London Eye which will rotate five people holding a sparkler each!
New Years Day was a quiet one. Tilly came and went numerous times. Mick got us some food from the Co-Op that was in the Sad Gits section. My head still hurting meant sitting on the sofa for much of the day. Dr Who, Luther and Paddington 2 were watched. The makers of the Paddington films have done a really nice job of them. Being a fan of the marmalade sandwich eating, duffle coated bear from an early age I was very wary about them, but both films have been great. Worth a watch no matter of your age.
0 locks, 1.72 miles, 1 tunnel passing 1 boat, 0 mysterons, 0 Roger, 2 pink pills, 4 yellow, 1 very very still head, 1 passing boater mentioning my name, 0 get together, 2 empty places at the table, 2nd Paddington, 1 boat nearly out of the fuzz of Crick.
Happy New Year to you both, Pip. I am sorry the end of 2018 and the start of 2019 were not good for you, but hope you are fully recovered now. I do agree with you about both Paddington films - definitely worth watching whatever your age. With best wishes to you, Mick and Tilly from Jennie, Chris and Monty.
Hi. Happy New Year. Lets hope things get better for you. I have only recently started reading your blog and am enjoying reading it. On the subject of migraines - I have a friend who is similarly afflicted. She was recommended some years ago to drink red wine when a migraine occurred. Doubtful this was tried with success. It seems the active ingredient is resveratrol which is present in red wine in varying amounts. The source is red grape skins. Maybe that's why the pills are pink? :-) Worth a try?
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