Tuesday, 8 January 2019

A Not So Flying Start. 6th January

Crick Marina to Houdini’s Field

No dawdling over breakfast, get going to make a good start. Well that was the plan! As yesterday was our version of New Years Eve we ended up having the lie in that happens on New Years Day. I didn’t open my eyes until well after 9am, then there was the Saturday newspaper to read in bed. So that put a kibosh on us getting moving early.

P1450242smI’d forgotten to order some butter to have a go at making my own pastry, so that held us up a bit as Mick walked to the Post Office for some and got way laid by a chap on a boat near the bridge. He seems to have moved in, been there six weeks. The mounds of coal ash near his boat back up his claim too. Once Mick had politely managed to extricate himself from the conversation we were ready to be on our way.

P1450257smTime to say farewell to Crick for a while. Bye to Cracks Hill, which had plenty of people racing up to the top of it today. Round the bends to see the jolly yellow of Lillian moored up at Yelvertoft. She has a smart new pram cover and a bright yellow cap for her chimney, good to see she is being looked after.

P1450270smA fairly grey day to be cruising, but with little wind and the temperatures having risen it wasn’t too bad stood out on the back of Oleanna. There were quite a few boats on the move meaning that Oleanna listed over as the water was dragged from under her, we had a five drawer and a cupboard door moment with one of them!

We paused at Yelvertoft Wharf to top up the water tank, it’s that time of year and we won’t see another tap until we’re at Foxton. Seeing as our prompt start didn’t happen and it may take us several days to get out of winter mode, it’s best to be full now.

P1450290smOnwards meandering our way under the many brick bridges. The wood just before Bridge 27 seemed ever so bare today just black twisting branches and little else. Come March the Blackthorn blossom will be out taking over the wood with it’s wonderful small white abundant flowers.

P1450304smOnly one boat was moored along the armco by Houdini’s field so we pulled in with our side hatch alongside the gap in the hedge. This is cat paradise, sideways trees, big trees and a very large field to run around and be a loony in. Houdini loved it here hence our name for it, Tilly loves it too. Today the new crop is showing itself above the clods of earth, quite tasty it was too. Have to say it was far more fun when it was all very tall and I could practice my pouncing!

DSCF7114smblack paw0 locks, 4.82 miles, 1 late start, 1 pack of butter, 5 drawers, 1 cupboard, 1 late lunch, 2 hours loonying, 0 friends thank goodness, 0 daffodils yet, 3 bespoke socks for sale, 1 joint of pork, 1 alarm clock getting set tomorrow.


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