Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Pipmas! 25th December

Middle of nowhere South Oxford Canal

IMG_20181225_091629smFather Christmas had visited bring us all three lots of goodies in our stockings. Tilly soon commandeered all four bouncy balls and started to work her way through her stash of Dreamies, old style and the super dooper new ones.

P1440929smAfter a leisurely cuppa in bed accompanied by the first of the chocolate Mick got on with breakfast, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with a bucks fizz on the side. Tilly headed out and spent most of the day ignoring us and doing her best to find all possible friends who might be living in the sideways trees.

P1440930smNext came presents of the Christmas variety. We had done well this year with a big stash that has been taking over the corner of the dinette for a while. Lots of good presents, foody stuff, beanie hats with built in lights, a new frying pan and roasting tin, Inspector Morse DVDs, mugs, books, a new fleece for Mick, a knitted mouse for Tilly and a book of swearing old ladies!

P1440932smIMG_20181225_111231smP1440934smTilly obliged in returning home so we managed to step outside for a bit of a walk. Our mooring, being a touch remote meant that there was no round route unless we wanted to eat very late in the day. So we only walked up to the next winding hole before returning, it was quite a grey day anyway.


Late afternoon we enjoyed our roast duck with all the trimmings although we nearly forgot about the stuffing, it was still sat in the bottom of the oven. In the past I’ve always stuffed the duck, but this year I’d read in several places that you shouldn’t. However it’s late arrival to the table meant we’d had chance to make some space for it on our plates. No need for seconds, just a rest for a couple of hours. We’ll have the seconds tomorrow.

IMG_20181225_160944smThen came tree presents. Mick got new hair trimmers, I got Paddinton 2 and Tilly got a fish, except she was still a bit busy leaving body parts on the towpath! As it was now dark she was encouraged to head for home by being picked up. She quickly turned her attention to killing her fish. It is just like the fish I caught a couple of years ago, must get more practice at fishing.


Birthday presents came next. Prime Suspect DVDs, new towels, books, tea towels and a very nice smock from a lady in Cornwall we’d seen at Blenheim, my hefty hint had been taken.

48409184_2561027420578255_8715911896961646592_nBirthday cake. We think that maybe we will need to invest in new candles for the next birthday as these proved hard to light, some broke and they all did a very good job of covering the top of my cake with wax. This didn’t stop us from having a slice with some buffalo ice cream. Very nice.

Not much to watch on the TV so we carried on with our binge watching of Luther, just the right sort of jolly viewing required on Christmas Day!

The canal was quite quiet with only two boats passing us all day, one of them twice. Our nearest neighbour walked his dog past, he was the only passer by. So a nice quiet mooring for a very nice Pipmas.IMG_20181225_184318sm


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for yesterday, when our son was due on Christmas Day we decided that he would have an ‘official’ birthday each year (well the queen does,) half way through the year, with a present and small family acknowledgment on the day, which worked very well. Although now as an adult he’s reverted totally to celebrate on the proper day, he was 3 days early.
Kath (nb Herbie)

Pip and Mick said...

Hi Kath
My family did similar as my parents thought that when I was young it would only be fare if I got presents on my brothers birthday, as he got presents on mine. Very handy that his birthday is the 28th June, so six months and three days after mine. I would get a rather good present, a violin one year! But as the years went on this turned into a bottle of Pimms. For my fortieth birthday I celebrated my 40.5 by having a big party in the summer, I'd intended doing the same a couple of years ago for my fiftieth but sadly didn't find a suitable venue, a pub canal side with camp site plus other accommodation nearby. I'm still looking for such a place as I think I'm going to have a half century, half decade, half year birthday. So any suitable suggestions please put them forward.
Happy Birthday to your son

Ade said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday Pip.

Pip and Mick said...

Thank you Ade

Dave said...

Happy Christmas and New Year!

Pip and Mick said...

Thank you Dave. Happy New Year to you too. Hope the South Oxford is still treating you well.
Pip and Mick