Friday 26 January 2018

Is Spring Springing? 26th January

Quoisley Bridge to Wrenbury Frith

P1220105smWhat a lovely day, sunlight streaming in through the windows, Tilly found a very good spot on the Houdini shelf to have a good sunbath. As we had breakfast a number checker walked past, we wondered how far they have to walk each day. This chap was obviously absorbing the wonders of nature all around him as he walked the towpath with his music blasting out!

P1220125smThe weather was so perfect for cruising, just a shame we couldn’t go far!

P1220136smNot too many extra layers were needed as we cruised along in the sunshine. Approaching Marbury Lock it felt as though we should be about to go up the lock as all around us there were hills. But rounding the last bend the landscape dipped away in front of us and the lock followed suit. There are another three locks ahead of us before reaching the bridge that is still closed, but we have decided to loiter around Wrenbury for the weekend where we can get supplies.

P1220169 (2)smSo we pulled up on the last 48hr mooring before Wrenbury, just in case there was no space closer in.

After lunch and an explore around a turnip field for Tilly we walked up into the village checking for spaces as we went. Despite not being far away the towpath in places is so muddy it is really quite hard work, so we are likely to move up a bit tomorrow.

P1220161smMore signs of the seasons moving on today as we passed the church yard. Masses of snowdrops hung their heads between the gravestones and the tall green stalks of daffodils are reaching for the sky everywhere. A few bits bought from the shop and a reserved copy of our Saturday paper and we were sorted.

P1220153smP1220175 (2)smThe printer this afternoon has been busy as it’s that time of year when we have to declare ourselves homeless. To be able to vote in Scarborough we have to declare a local connection, but as our house is rented out we have to be homeless. We could be registered at my brothers, our contact address, but we’d rather our votes count in Scarborough than London.

DSCF7114sm1 Lock, 2.65 miles, 1 bridge closed then open, 1 sunny sunny day, 1 field of turnips, 1 paper on order, 80p of mushrooms, 2 homeless boaters, 1 new contract, 0 graveyard cat, 1 moonwalking cat, 2 fingers crossed that livewriter is working!


Quaysider said...

We're still registered to vote at our house - even though it's rented out too... I just spoke to a woman at the council who put us back on the register - after we'd been taken off .

Pip and Mick said...

Glad you got yourselves back on the register.
I can't quite remember why in the first place we had to become homeless, it was over three years ago that we talked to the council about voting. It may have something to do with that all our official stuff now goes to my brothers, so other than contracts to rent out the house we no longer have official connections to Scarborough.
We also do a proxy vote as postal voting wouldn't work for us as we move around so much, they'd have to be posted three times to get to us and back, by which time the results would have been announced!

Ade said...

Like the snow drops and the Leland tractor photo catching the sun perfect.