Sunday, 24 December 2017

Ready! 24th December

Llangollen Basin

Today has been busy. After realising last night that we had no birthday candles, they had been culled when we moved boats, we had to buy some today.

Most of the day has been spent chopping, bubbling, stirring, baking, rolling, cutting, baking, crumbing, steeping, saucing, mixing, baking, cooling, eating, slicing and icing, with a little bit of wrapping up too!



The majority of time consuming jobs have been done, so tomorrow we should just have to pop the duck in the oven and roast it.

Happy Christmas from all three of us.

We are even ready for the big man.



Steve-the-Wargamer said... don't know me, we'll never meet, but I'd like to wish you merry Christmas and thanks for all the enjoyable posts this year... :o) PS. Sausage roll, please..

Pip and Mick said...

As Frank didn't show his face we still have four sausage rolls left!