Monday, 24 April 2017

Time to Slow Down. 24th April

Houdini’s Field to Cracks Hill

Even Tilly was tired this morning so we allowed ourselves a cuppa in bed after a bit of a lie in. No point in rushing anywhere as we were now only about 5 miles away from Crick Marina. So after breakfast we pushed off and wound our way along the pound.

P1020631smThe wood that had been so full of Blackthorn blossom a month ago is now lush green everywhere, it’s hard to see the trunks of trees. The rapeseed fields that were just starting to show their colour are now vibrant Lillian yellow. Compared to yesterday it was a grey day and chilly too.

P1020638smYelvertoft Slipway was a hive of activity. A lady was stood holding onto a green centre line of a boat that was out of the water. It took my slow brain a little while to understand why she was holding onto a boat on dry land, it was about to go back in the water after being blacked. They must be doing a roaring trade, with about eight boats out on hard standing, wonder how much they charge to go in and out?

P1020643smOn the last couple of bends it started to rain and by the time we’d pulled in it was seriously raining. So once moored up for the day there were two things that needed to happen. 1 light the stove, 2 let Tilly out to enjoy the rain, which she did.

P1020657smAfter a couple of hours I called her in and she came running back to Oleanna and had a good walk along the gunnels (the clean side!) followed by an explore onto the roof (the dirty side). Another couple of jaunts on shore and she returned by herself. Sadly over the next few days she will have to be kept in again as tomorrow we’ll be mooring alongside Lillian and we don’t want Tilly to get confused as to which boat home is.

This afternoon we’ve complied a new snagging list for Finesse and emailed it through to them. I tried printing out forms to apply for proxy votes for the General Election, but ran out of paper, we only brought a few sheets and more progress has been made on my illustrations. I need to scan it before I ink it in and then colour it, this can wait till tomorrow when I scan our proxy forms too.

DSCF7114sm0 locks, 4.29 miles, 2 stealth number checkers,  0 blackthorn, 2 familiar faces, 1 full water tank, 1derful rain, 3 excursions, 4 muddy paws, 1 snagging list, 3 mooring suspension signs, 3 attempts to print out, 2 better sketches, 3 pink soiled nappies.


This is a dual post with NB Lillyanne’s blog


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